Rainbows and gumdrops on the highway of life
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Back to blogging and still running
It's been quite a while since I posted a blog. I figure since I gave up facebook for the majority of lent, I could try and post on my blog. Last year I gave up facebook completely, but this year I am allowign myself to check in on FB an hour before school starts and an hour after school starts. The main reason to stay away is that I am constantly checking it on my phone.... and I mean constnatly. It's at the touch of a button and so I even sit on the couch and will pop on it between commercials. No good. I have already gotten tons of stuff done today that I normally don't get a chance to do on a Saturday morning.
I also gave up cookies, chips, crackers and alcohol for lent. Major calorie busters for me. I had been doing so well when I was involved in a weight loss competition. I got down PAST my wedding weight and was feeling amazing, but have since put back 8 lbs. Boo. Most of my snacking comes from cookies, chips or crackers (along with beer and wine) so I thought this could help. So far so good.
2 months from yesterday!!!
I am so excited yet so terrified at the same time. I have been focusing my efforts on my fundraising which is falling quite a bit short right now, but Jo and I have a fundraiser coming up in 2 weeks. I REALLY hope people show up and we can raise some decent funds that way. I really can't afford to pay the $2,500 that I have left to raise. Well I can if I have to, but with all of the house renovations, it would REALLY help out if I could raise it. Working hard! The running has been getting REALLY hard. Having to do long runs of 19 miles (on a beautiful day) then 14 miles in the FREEZING cold then 20 miles on my treadmill due to horrible weather... it's been rough. Next week is 22. It's all in my mind, I know, but until I get over half way there all I can think about is how far I have to go. Doing it alone and cold with mind games is nuts, but I'm sure it will all be worth it when April 15th comes. I'm going to buy so much Boston Marathon swag that I'm not going to know what to do with myself. Happy birthday present to me!

Saturday, July 2, 2011
33. Go to 5 different museums: museum of science, national air and space museum, national archives, Smithsonian, Boston Children Museum
42. buy something from Etsy: For our 7 year anniversary, the theme was copper. I had a hard time, but found the perfect gift on etsy. They are pennies on magnets based on specific dates or years. 2000: THOUGHTS – this is when we first started dating and it all cenetered around “a penny for your thoughts”. 2004: FOREVER – the year we were married… forever. 1979 APRIL 18: When I was born. 1967 OCTOBER 26 – when Pete was born. 2005 MAY 17 – Makayla’s birthdate, 2006 DEC 1 – Ethan’s birthdate. I love sentimental things and this was clutch. I also got him tickets to see Josh Groban this summer

46. Take a class in something that I love – I tried spinning and loved it so I took a class in the spring. It was awesome and I loved looking forward to it every Tuesday!
79: Sell or donate 100 items of clutter that I haven’t used in 5 years. Between the yard sale last year and the mass overhaul that I did I my room, I sold/donated over 100 pieces of clothing/trinkets/books etc. I still have a ton of stuff though……
42. buy something from Etsy: For our 7 year anniversary, the theme was copper. I had a hard time, but found the perfect gift on etsy. They are pennies on magnets based on specific dates or years. 2000: THOUGHTS – this is when we first started dating and it all cenetered around “a penny for your thoughts”. 2004: FOREVER – the year we were married… forever. 1979 APRIL 18: When I was born. 1967 OCTOBER 26 – when Pete was born. 2005 MAY 17 – Makayla’s birthdate, 2006 DEC 1 – Ethan’s birthdate. I love sentimental things and this was clutch. I also got him tickets to see Josh Groban this summer

46. Take a class in something that I love – I tried spinning and loved it so I took a class in the spring. It was awesome and I loved looking forward to it every Tuesday!
79: Sell or donate 100 items of clutter that I haven’t used in 5 years. Between the yard sale last year and the mass overhaul that I did I my room, I sold/donated over 100 pieces of clothing/trinkets/books etc. I still have a ton of stuff though……
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Keeping up
So I guess this is less like a blog and more like a place to store and update (or not update) my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. I have to work on that! I have a bunch to update!
#6. run through a fountain
When I imagined this one, I was thinking huge fountain in the middle of Boston or DC, but nonetheless, I ran through the fountain at Disney! There were a few little ones with water squirting up every which direction. The kids loved it and, I have to admit, so did I.
#12 Learn how to dance
I learned a little about how to Salsa when we went to my niece's 21st birthday celebration. We went to a Salsa bar in Boston. It was pretty fun and, while I was there, I had it and could follow the steps. The Wii has rocked my world with little gems like Just Dance and Just Dance 2. I love it! I still have a hard time getting my hands and feet to work together at the same time, but I got some moves. Now all I need is for someone to bust out with one of the songs at a wedding (and add the screen to remind me of the dance steps). Love it!
#16 Photograph Something Breathtaking
While we were in Nantucket this past year, Pete was working all day so I took my time checking out the island. I ran from one end to the other which was freeing and awesome and took a day just walking around taking pictures. I had so much fun. Hours and hours of just taking pictures. I have a bunch that I want to blow up and hang up still (need to get to that), but there were such great landscape there, plants, beaches, parks - it was a magical place. I hope to go back someday. It was just a perfect vacation.
#23 Donate blood
We do a blood drive at school once or twice a year. This year, the drive was to be done right before my half marathon in October, so I wasn't going to be able to do it. Something happened and it was rescheduled to after my race, so I was able to do it! It was funny, the nurse who took my vitals/stats etc told me that I had the highest protein level that she had seen in a woman. I thought that was awesome until my friend told me that that can sometimes indicate kidney problems... lol. I think it was all of those protein bars I was eating.
#26 Get a massage
Now I still want to get a full body massage, but I turned my little almost-6 year old into a great hand massager! She has wicked dry skin on her hands so I got her special cream and put it on her one night last week, she then offered to put lotion on my hands this weekend (after playing Barbie with my hair). She was pretty good - defiantly payable - don't tell her that!
#34 Buy a lottery ticket
Megamillions was up to something crazy like 310 million dollars. I thought it was silly, but Pete and I got $10 worth of tickets. If you really think about all of the stress and hassle comes with winning big money like that - people after you, "friends" who need money, family you want to help out - that's a huge responsibility. Either way - we didn't win. HOWEVER - the lottery numbers were linked to the numbers from Lost - that is freaky cool!
#38 Not log into facebook for one week
Ahhh #38. No one thought I could do it. I removed the app from my phone, uninstalled my password so the computer wouldn't automatically log in to it... I was so good and did it for a whole week. Not only did I prove people wrong, but I also got yelled at! Apparently some people like the constant updating of my crazy life and my little quips and laughs. :) Nice to know I make people smile - that's important in life!
#45 Stop biting my nails
It lasted for a while. Day 1 of school I stopped and I lasted until December. Ugg. They looked so nice too. I painted them all the time - even got a manicure once! I finally broke down around the time of my niece's state swim meet - bit them all off. They won the state championship - first time ever for Reading, so it was totally worth it. I'll have to get back on the wagon asap.
#72 Get a subscription to a cooking magazine.
This summer I bought a bunch of magazines for vacation and loved the Food Channel's cooking magazine. My sweet mother in law saw that I liked it and got it for me as a Chrsitmas gift - she's the best!
#73 Get a new chatchphrase
Not a good clean one, but I am well known for saying "that's what she said" constantly. I don't even watch the office!!! It all started, really catching on, at the back to school meeting we had in September. Work and TWSS not a good mix, but even when I don't say it, people look at me and know I'm thinking it! lol.
#75 start going to church consistently again
We stopped going because we had the kids and they were too small, didn't sit still etc etc etc... endless excuses. About three months ago, we started going again - pretty consistently every Sunday. I went out and bought some books for the kids to read in church - level 1 readers for Makayla with stories from the bible and picture books for Ethan. They also each have their own picture bible, listen in church (for the most part) and even participate in some of the prayers. It's not as hard as I thought it would be.
#82 watch an entire movie series in one day/weekend (depending on how long it is).
Yup - anyone who knows me knows they can probably bet on this being Twilight. I watched Twilight and New Moon the night before buying Eclipse and then immediately watched Eclipse when I got home and the kids went down for a nap. That's why they're called GUILTY PLEASURES... don't judge tee hee
#85 skype with relatives once a month
LOVE skype. Just started using it a few months ago, but we have been chatting with Maryland! We even got a new webcam (the old one was awful!!!). I'm looking forward to using it more and more!
#6. run through a fountain
When I imagined this one, I was thinking huge fountain in the middle of Boston or DC, but nonetheless, I ran through the fountain at Disney! There were a few little ones with water squirting up every which direction. The kids loved it and, I have to admit, so did I.
#12 Learn how to dance
I learned a little about how to Salsa when we went to my niece's 21st birthday celebration. We went to a Salsa bar in Boston. It was pretty fun and, while I was there, I had it and could follow the steps. The Wii has rocked my world with little gems like Just Dance and Just Dance 2. I love it! I still have a hard time getting my hands and feet to work together at the same time, but I got some moves. Now all I need is for someone to bust out with one of the songs at a wedding (and add the screen to remind me of the dance steps). Love it!
#16 Photograph Something Breathtaking
While we were in Nantucket this past year, Pete was working all day so I took my time checking out the island. I ran from one end to the other which was freeing and awesome and took a day just walking around taking pictures. I had so much fun. Hours and hours of just taking pictures. I have a bunch that I want to blow up and hang up still (need to get to that), but there were such great landscape there, plants, beaches, parks - it was a magical place. I hope to go back someday. It was just a perfect vacation.
#23 Donate blood
We do a blood drive at school once or twice a year. This year, the drive was to be done right before my half marathon in October, so I wasn't going to be able to do it. Something happened and it was rescheduled to after my race, so I was able to do it! It was funny, the nurse who took my vitals/stats etc told me that I had the highest protein level that she had seen in a woman. I thought that was awesome until my friend told me that that can sometimes indicate kidney problems... lol. I think it was all of those protein bars I was eating.
#26 Get a massage
Now I still want to get a full body massage, but I turned my little almost-6 year old into a great hand massager! She has wicked dry skin on her hands so I got her special cream and put it on her one night last week, she then offered to put lotion on my hands this weekend (after playing Barbie with my hair). She was pretty good - defiantly payable - don't tell her that!
#34 Buy a lottery ticket
Megamillions was up to something crazy like 310 million dollars. I thought it was silly, but Pete and I got $10 worth of tickets. If you really think about all of the stress and hassle comes with winning big money like that - people after you, "friends" who need money, family you want to help out - that's a huge responsibility. Either way - we didn't win. HOWEVER - the lottery numbers were linked to the numbers from Lost - that is freaky cool!
#38 Not log into facebook for one week
Ahhh #38. No one thought I could do it. I removed the app from my phone, uninstalled my password so the computer wouldn't automatically log in to it... I was so good and did it for a whole week. Not only did I prove people wrong, but I also got yelled at! Apparently some people like the constant updating of my crazy life and my little quips and laughs. :) Nice to know I make people smile - that's important in life!
#45 Stop biting my nails
It lasted for a while. Day 1 of school I stopped and I lasted until December. Ugg. They looked so nice too. I painted them all the time - even got a manicure once! I finally broke down around the time of my niece's state swim meet - bit them all off. They won the state championship - first time ever for Reading, so it was totally worth it. I'll have to get back on the wagon asap.
#72 Get a subscription to a cooking magazine.
This summer I bought a bunch of magazines for vacation and loved the Food Channel's cooking magazine. My sweet mother in law saw that I liked it and got it for me as a Chrsitmas gift - she's the best!
#73 Get a new chatchphrase
Not a good clean one, but I am well known for saying "that's what she said" constantly. I don't even watch the office!!! It all started, really catching on, at the back to school meeting we had in September. Work and TWSS not a good mix, but even when I don't say it, people look at me and know I'm thinking it! lol.
#75 start going to church consistently again
We stopped going because we had the kids and they were too small, didn't sit still etc etc etc... endless excuses. About three months ago, we started going again - pretty consistently every Sunday. I went out and bought some books for the kids to read in church - level 1 readers for Makayla with stories from the bible and picture books for Ethan. They also each have their own picture bible, listen in church (for the most part) and even participate in some of the prayers. It's not as hard as I thought it would be.
#82 watch an entire movie series in one day/weekend (depending on how long it is).
Yup - anyone who knows me knows they can probably bet on this being Twilight. I watched Twilight and New Moon the night before buying Eclipse and then immediately watched Eclipse when I got home and the kids went down for a nap. That's why they're called GUILTY PLEASURES... don't judge tee hee
#85 skype with relatives once a month
LOVE skype. Just started using it a few months ago, but we have been chatting with Maryland! We even got a new webcam (the old one was awful!!!). I'm looking forward to using it more and more!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
# 92!!!
Do 50 push ups in a row. So I have been doing push ups every time I work out. Started off being able to pull of 25 so I figured if I added 5 a week, I'd be able to make it. I was up to 40 this week and today, at after cardio and lifting a ton, I got to 40, my arms were burning, but I decided to go for it and hit 50!!! So excited and proud of myself. It's the little things in life I suppose :
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wow - I haven't updated in a while!
So summer's here and I have been busy!
7. swim with wildlife
I was originally thinking swimming with sharks or dolphins, but then my wonderful sister-in-law reminded me that, while on vacation at the lake, I was swimming with turtles and tons of fish. Swimming with dolphins/sharks would be at a sea world or something of the like, so that really doesn't count as wildlife. Maybe weak, but if you know me, you know how much of a baby I am about swimming in water I can't see the bottom of..... it took me 7 days of our 7 day vacation to jump off the dock without my (read: my 5 year old daughter's) little purple dragon Penelope. The turtles were cute - especially the itty bitty baby one!
8. go on a safari
This year we went to Disney and actually had the pleasure of staying at Animal Kingdon's Kandani village. If you don't know Disney, this resort has rooms all around with balconies facing a safari which is in the middle. In addition to staying on the safari, we also went on a safari ride at Animal Kingdom. There was the cutest 2 month old baby elephant with her mom along the way. Some of the animals were so close that we could have touched them! But.... we obviously didn't!
13. run a 5K race
My latest 5K took place on July 27th! I ran in Newburyport's Yankee Homecoming! I did a personal best! This was the first race that I ran by myself, so I was a little nervous about pacing myself and whatnot. Right after the start, I saw two of my teammates from soccer pass by me. I so wanted to tap them on the shoulder (since I was keeping up right behind them) and say hey, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep up with them and #1 didn't want to look stupid and #2 didn't want to have them feel like they should wait for me, so I didn't. Trying to keep up with them all race gave me a great time and I felt awesome when I was done!
14. run a half marathon
June 27th! 13.1 Marathon series "Party in the Street" in Canton, MA. My awesome sister-in-law and fam came up from MD so the two of us could run it together. Mind you, I fractured my back on Mother's day so this was a little over a month after that happened. I had actually only just started running again 2 weeks before the race. It was a horrible horrible race for me. I've never wanted to give up more - the hills were BRUTAL and the paths kept running out then looping back the same way that you had just come. It was nuts. Barbara Ann refused to leave me (despite telling her numerous times to go and I would finish by myself) and just about had to pull my tail over the finish line. I'm so glad that I did it, but it makes me worried to run another. Those miles keep coming slower and slower! On to the next - get right back on the horse I suppose!
19. get a complete makeover & 20.try a completely different look
So I killed two birds with one stone! I went into Compliment's Salon and my dear dear friend (and hairdresser) Juliette took over! I went in with long blonde (-ish) hair and came out with short brown Alice-cullen hair!!! Love it!!! I look COMPLETELY different.
29. make a new friend
Silly because I do this all the time. BUT this year one of my BFFs went out on maternity leave and her sub was fabulous! She fit right in with our department and since we both had block 7 together, I got to know her a ton more. She's hysterical, easy to talk to and fun! Love her!
29. attend the midnight premier of a movie The night.... June 30th..... my two buddies and I ventured out into the midnight premier amongst tons of tweens, teens, our high school students and twimoms to see the Twilight Saga's Eclipse movie. I love the series so I was pumped HOWEVER the sound kept cutting out so it was sucking, but we could still see it so it wasn't all bad. AND I got a free pass to go see it again (however I waited too long, so I will be using it to see anohter movie at some point :)
31. put change in someone’s expired parking meter
I love doing this. Hopefully it saves some people from getting a ticket! So walking along the Weirs strip I put coins in somewhere between 6-9 expired parking meters. Unfortunatly, in Boston, they use the new sticker ones.
48. read a new series of books
So one of my work colleagues broke me of my Twilight habit. She got me into reading Karin Slaughter. I read 5 books in 6 days. They were GREAT (really messed up and crazy - like really really messed up, but still good)! Blindsight, Kisscut, A Faint Cold Fear, Indelible, Faithless and Beyond Reach. They were all part of the writer's Grant County series. 5 books in 6 days.... man.... I get obsessive when I find things that I like!
59. try a food I didn’t think I would like
I did it, I tried fish sushi. You think that sounds weird, but I have only ever had vegetable sushi. So I tried a spicy tuna roll, shrimp tempura and california roll. Not bad, but I have come to find that I am NOT a fan of squishy. uck! One place we went to for sushi even brought the sushi to us on a BOAT! A big wooden presentation boat!
68. invest in a new digital SLR and tripod
Woo hoo! I got my new canon digital SLR! I got the Canon Rebel T1i and I love it! Apparently it has video capabilities, but since I don't read manuals - I haven't figured it out yet. But it does take amazing pictures. I took it to Disney and on our vacation at the lake. Love it!
71. go kayaking with a friend
Up at the lake on vacation, I went Kayaking with my niece. She took me down the cove and then back up to the lilly pads and the turtles on the log :) So fun!
15. take a day for myself and not feel guilty about doing it
So I'm going to call today my "me" day!!! Loved every minute of it. I got up, went for a 7 mile, wonderful, mind-clearing, awesome run. Now that school's coming up, I had tons to think about - I got a LOT accomplished in my head. Then I went right to the gym and lifted for about 45 minutes. It ROCKED! Then I went to my school and worked on re-arranging my room. I am loving my schedule for this year, loving my room set up and really excited about it. It was SO hot in my room and I was just a pile of stench! I came home, ordered some yellow curry chicken from my fav Thai place and at it while IN the bathtub (a little TMI I suppose) and watching the news. I picked up the house a little and went to my in-laws house where the kids were having dinner out on the deck. The weather was perfect so it was awesome. Then I took the kids to Mac's Dairy farm - only the best ice cream place that just so happens to be up the street from me. It was a great day!!!!
81. go to an outdoor movie
While on vacation at the lake, the Melanson clan (our family, my brother-in-law's family and my in-laws) went to the Weir's Drive in. Love the drive in. Two movies back to back while either sitting in the car or sitting outside the car. I got to hang out with my niece in the convertable and watch Dinner with Schmucks and Grown Ups. They were great! It was so funny because it started raining a bit during the first movie, but other than that it was awesome weather!
89. go on a picnic
I did a couple of picnic's this summer! Generally we have been going to the park down the street where there are fields and playgrounds. There has been plenty for the kids to do so it's always a great time!
91. learn to drive the boat
On a nice slow day at the lake my husband decided that I needed to drive the boat. "What happens if I can't drive home one day", I told him that I would drive slow. "What happens if I'm having a seizure and am in mortal danger", I'll call your friend on the lake. LOL. So, despite my fears, he had me drive the boat for a HOUR straight. I got a little more comfortable doing it. I drew the line at docking it - I'm all set with that right now. lol
99. buy actual pajamas - no more sweats and T’s
Aside from Christmas jammies, I don't really buy actaul pajamas :) I went out and got two sets at the start of summer. Not that exciting .... nothing to congratulate me on, but it's the little things right?!
7. swim with wildlife
I was originally thinking swimming with sharks or dolphins, but then my wonderful sister-in-law reminded me that, while on vacation at the lake, I was swimming with turtles and tons of fish. Swimming with dolphins/sharks would be at a sea world or something of the like, so that really doesn't count as wildlife. Maybe weak, but if you know me, you know how much of a baby I am about swimming in water I can't see the bottom of..... it took me 7 days of our 7 day vacation to jump off the dock without my (read: my 5 year old daughter's) little purple dragon Penelope. The turtles were cute - especially the itty bitty baby one!
8. go on a safari
This year we went to Disney and actually had the pleasure of staying at Animal Kingdon's Kandani village. If you don't know Disney, this resort has rooms all around with balconies facing a safari which is in the middle. In addition to staying on the safari, we also went on a safari ride at Animal Kingdom. There was the cutest 2 month old baby elephant with her mom along the way. Some of the animals were so close that we could have touched them! But.... we obviously didn't!
13. run a 5K race
My latest 5K took place on July 27th! I ran in Newburyport's Yankee Homecoming! I did a personal best! This was the first race that I ran by myself, so I was a little nervous about pacing myself and whatnot. Right after the start, I saw two of my teammates from soccer pass by me. I so wanted to tap them on the shoulder (since I was keeping up right behind them) and say hey, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep up with them and #1 didn't want to look stupid and #2 didn't want to have them feel like they should wait for me, so I didn't. Trying to keep up with them all race gave me a great time and I felt awesome when I was done!
14. run a half marathon
June 27th! 13.1 Marathon series "Party in the Street" in Canton, MA. My awesome sister-in-law and fam came up from MD so the two of us could run it together. Mind you, I fractured my back on Mother's day so this was a little over a month after that happened. I had actually only just started running again 2 weeks before the race. It was a horrible horrible race for me. I've never wanted to give up more - the hills were BRUTAL and the paths kept running out then looping back the same way that you had just come. It was nuts. Barbara Ann refused to leave me (despite telling her numerous times to go and I would finish by myself) and just about had to pull my tail over the finish line. I'm so glad that I did it, but it makes me worried to run another. Those miles keep coming slower and slower! On to the next - get right back on the horse I suppose!
19. get a complete makeover & 20.try a completely different look
So I killed two birds with one stone! I went into Compliment's Salon and my dear dear friend (and hairdresser) Juliette took over! I went in with long blonde (-ish) hair and came out with short brown Alice-cullen hair!!! Love it!!! I look COMPLETELY different.
29. make a new friend
Silly because I do this all the time. BUT this year one of my BFFs went out on maternity leave and her sub was fabulous! She fit right in with our department and since we both had block 7 together, I got to know her a ton more. She's hysterical, easy to talk to and fun! Love her!
29. attend the midnight premier of a movie The night.... June 30th..... my two buddies and I ventured out into the midnight premier amongst tons of tweens, teens, our high school students and twimoms to see the Twilight Saga's Eclipse movie. I love the series so I was pumped HOWEVER the sound kept cutting out so it was sucking, but we could still see it so it wasn't all bad. AND I got a free pass to go see it again (however I waited too long, so I will be using it to see anohter movie at some point :)
31. put change in someone’s expired parking meter
I love doing this. Hopefully it saves some people from getting a ticket! So walking along the Weirs strip I put coins in somewhere between 6-9 expired parking meters. Unfortunatly, in Boston, they use the new sticker ones.
48. read a new series of books
So one of my work colleagues broke me of my Twilight habit. She got me into reading Karin Slaughter. I read 5 books in 6 days. They were GREAT (really messed up and crazy - like really really messed up, but still good)! Blindsight, Kisscut, A Faint Cold Fear, Indelible, Faithless and Beyond Reach. They were all part of the writer's Grant County series. 5 books in 6 days.... man.... I get obsessive when I find things that I like!
59. try a food I didn’t think I would like
I did it, I tried fish sushi. You think that sounds weird, but I have only ever had vegetable sushi. So I tried a spicy tuna roll, shrimp tempura and california roll. Not bad, but I have come to find that I am NOT a fan of squishy. uck! One place we went to for sushi even brought the sushi to us on a BOAT! A big wooden presentation boat!
68. invest in a new digital SLR and tripod
Woo hoo! I got my new canon digital SLR! I got the Canon Rebel T1i and I love it! Apparently it has video capabilities, but since I don't read manuals - I haven't figured it out yet. But it does take amazing pictures. I took it to Disney and on our vacation at the lake. Love it!
71. go kayaking with a friend
Up at the lake on vacation, I went Kayaking with my niece. She took me down the cove and then back up to the lilly pads and the turtles on the log :) So fun!
15. take a day for myself and not feel guilty about doing it
So I'm going to call today my "me" day!!! Loved every minute of it. I got up, went for a 7 mile, wonderful, mind-clearing, awesome run. Now that school's coming up, I had tons to think about - I got a LOT accomplished in my head. Then I went right to the gym and lifted for about 45 minutes. It ROCKED! Then I went to my school and worked on re-arranging my room. I am loving my schedule for this year, loving my room set up and really excited about it. It was SO hot in my room and I was just a pile of stench! I came home, ordered some yellow curry chicken from my fav Thai place and at it while IN the bathtub (a little TMI I suppose) and watching the news. I picked up the house a little and went to my in-laws house where the kids were having dinner out on the deck. The weather was perfect so it was awesome. Then I took the kids to Mac's Dairy farm - only the best ice cream place that just so happens to be up the street from me. It was a great day!!!!
81. go to an outdoor movie
While on vacation at the lake, the Melanson clan (our family, my brother-in-law's family and my in-laws) went to the Weir's Drive in. Love the drive in. Two movies back to back while either sitting in the car or sitting outside the car. I got to hang out with my niece in the convertable and watch Dinner with Schmucks and Grown Ups. They were great! It was so funny because it started raining a bit during the first movie, but other than that it was awesome weather!
89. go on a picnic
I did a couple of picnic's this summer! Generally we have been going to the park down the street where there are fields and playgrounds. There has been plenty for the kids to do so it's always a great time!
91. learn to drive the boat
On a nice slow day at the lake my husband decided that I needed to drive the boat. "What happens if I can't drive home one day", I told him that I would drive slow. "What happens if I'm having a seizure and am in mortal danger", I'll call your friend on the lake. LOL. So, despite my fears, he had me drive the boat for a HOUR straight. I got a little more comfortable doing it. I drew the line at docking it - I'm all set with that right now. lol
99. buy actual pajamas - no more sweats and T’s
Aside from Christmas jammies, I don't really buy actaul pajamas :) I went out and got two sets at the start of summer. Not that exciting .... nothing to congratulate me on, but it's the little things right?!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Two more down - and summer is here
2. Sleep in a hammock 5/?/10
10. ride on a rollercoaster with no hands 6/7/10
So I know it's silly that I don't know the date... it was probably the 22nd or 23rd.... the weekends have been packed. Between playing soccer, then getting injured, then birthdays, condo meetings... it's been nuts. One day in May (towards the end), the kids went down for a nap as did Pete. I had just gone for a long run so I was tired. I layed outside on the hammock and PASSED OUT! It was before the mosquitos came out, it was breezy, but I was so comfortable in my sweat pants and t-shirt. I put on my slacker radio on my phone and was out - it felt great! Hopefully I can get another nap like that soon. I woke up feeling GREAT!
And on to the rollercoaster. I LOVE rollercoasters. I'm the kind of person who loves them and will basically ride any of them, but always have a little mini freak out on the big ones where I scrunch my eyes tight shut, white-knuckle the bars and breathe like I'm in labor. I realized about 9 years ago that it is just stupid to do the whole "get me out of here, I can't do this, OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" style freakout.... #1 no one is going to stop you when you're almost at the top #2 it just makes you look silly and #3 it actually makes for a less enjoyable experience....I chaperone the six-flags senior class trip every year and have a great time. We always bee-line it for the Superman to avoid the lines and ride it first. Go big or go home - I do it up. I always love it, but never make it without holding on - usually it's the first drag and drop that does it to me - it's REALLY REALLY high. This year it was a bit more scary - no lie. The Superman is now Bizaro.... it used to be that you were shoulder/chest strapped in - you weren't going anywhere.... these geniuses got it in there heads somehow to make it crazier and then take away those straps and just have a lap bar.... oh dear. I put my hands up when they sent us off and ALMOST lost it going over the first hill, but kept my hands up the whole way - there were more up-and-over loops than I remember, but it was awesome and felt great. What a dare-devil I am right? haha!
This is what the restraints USED to look like

This is what the restraints look like now

The first peak

View from the top
Height: 208 feet
Drop: 221 feet
Angle Of Descent: 70 degrees
Top Speed: 77 mph
Length: 5,400 feet
Trains: 2 - 32 passenger
Train Mfg: Intmain AG Ride
Time: 2 minutes, 35 seconds
Love it! (by the way - I didn't take any of those pictures - google rocks)
10. ride on a rollercoaster with no hands 6/7/10
So I know it's silly that I don't know the date... it was probably the 22nd or 23rd.... the weekends have been packed. Between playing soccer, then getting injured, then birthdays, condo meetings... it's been nuts. One day in May (towards the end), the kids went down for a nap as did Pete. I had just gone for a long run so I was tired. I layed outside on the hammock and PASSED OUT! It was before the mosquitos came out, it was breezy, but I was so comfortable in my sweat pants and t-shirt. I put on my slacker radio on my phone and was out - it felt great! Hopefully I can get another nap like that soon. I woke up feeling GREAT!
And on to the rollercoaster. I LOVE rollercoasters. I'm the kind of person who loves them and will basically ride any of them, but always have a little mini freak out on the big ones where I scrunch my eyes tight shut, white-knuckle the bars and breathe like I'm in labor. I realized about 9 years ago that it is just stupid to do the whole "get me out of here, I can't do this, OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" style freakout.... #1 no one is going to stop you when you're almost at the top #2 it just makes you look silly and #3 it actually makes for a less enjoyable experience....I chaperone the six-flags senior class trip every year and have a great time. We always bee-line it for the Superman to avoid the lines and ride it first. Go big or go home - I do it up. I always love it, but never make it without holding on - usually it's the first drag and drop that does it to me - it's REALLY REALLY high. This year it was a bit more scary - no lie. The Superman is now Bizaro.... it used to be that you were shoulder/chest strapped in - you weren't going anywhere.... these geniuses got it in there heads somehow to make it crazier and then take away those straps and just have a lap bar.... oh dear. I put my hands up when they sent us off and ALMOST lost it going over the first hill, but kept my hands up the whole way - there were more up-and-over loops than I remember, but it was awesome and felt great. What a dare-devil I am right? haha!
This is what the restraints USED to look like

This is what the restraints look like now

The first peak

View from the top
Height: 208 feet
Drop: 221 feet
Angle Of Descent: 70 degrees
Top Speed: 77 mph
Length: 5,400 feet
Trains: 2 - 32 passenger
Train Mfg: Intmain AG Ride
Time: 2 minutes, 35 seconds
Love it! (by the way - I didn't take any of those pictures - google rocks)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Customer service is a tough job, but some people do it so well
I get to check off number 50 from my list! (Praise a good customer service experience to the person's boss or corporate.) I think I will do that more often - it made me so happy. Last weekend my mom, Pete, Rob, BA and the kids went to On the Border in Woburn and had a fantastic waitress who made sure to make my 5 and 3 year old feel extra special. She would stop and talk to them every pass to the kitchen or back out, she brought them books, coloring materials and dough to play with. I called the corporate office today and raved and raved about her. The woman was very happy for my call and told me that she would be sure to contact her area manager and let them know about her superior service so that they can recognize her for it. On top of it all, it was a busy Friday night - she really didn't have to do what she did. Having worked in customer service, I know how hard it is, especially when the dining room is packed, but she made us feel like we were her main priority. It was great. I hope that call really gets made and that she really gets some sort of recognition for it. :) There should be more people like Kaitie!
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