42. buy something from Etsy: For our 7 year anniversary, the theme was copper. I had a hard time, but found the perfect gift on etsy. They are pennies on magnets based on specific dates or years. 2000: THOUGHTS – this is when we first started dating and it all cenetered around “a penny for your thoughts”. 2004: FOREVER – the year we were married… forever. 1979 APRIL 18: When I was born. 1967 OCTOBER 26 – when Pete was born. 2005 MAY 17 – Makayla’s birthdate, 2006 DEC 1 – Ethan’s birthdate. I love sentimental things and this was clutch. I also got him tickets to see Josh Groban this summer

46. Take a class in something that I love – I tried spinning and loved it so I took a class in the spring. It was awesome and I loved looking forward to it every Tuesday!
79: Sell or donate 100 items of clutter that I haven’t used in 5 years. Between the yard sale last year and the mass overhaul that I did I my room, I sold/donated over 100 pieces of clothing/trinkets/books etc. I still have a ton of stuff though……
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