10. ride on a rollercoaster with no hands 6/7/10
So I know it's silly that I don't know the date... it was probably the 22nd or 23rd.... the weekends have been packed. Between playing soccer, then getting injured, then birthdays, condo meetings... it's been nuts. One day in May (towards the end), the kids went down for a nap as did Pete. I had just gone for a long run so I was tired. I layed outside on the hammock and PASSED OUT! It was before the mosquitos came out, it was breezy, but I was so comfortable in my sweat pants and t-shirt. I put on my slacker radio on my phone and was out - it felt great! Hopefully I can get another nap like that soon. I woke up feeling GREAT!
And on to the rollercoaster. I LOVE rollercoasters. I'm the kind of person who loves them and will basically ride any of them, but always have a little mini freak out on the big ones where I scrunch my eyes tight shut, white-knuckle the bars and breathe like I'm in labor. I realized about 9 years ago that it is just stupid to do the whole "get me out of here, I can't do this, OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" style freakout.... #1 no one is going to stop you when you're almost at the top #2 it just makes you look silly and #3 it actually makes for a less enjoyable experience....I chaperone the six-flags senior class trip every year and have a great time. We always bee-line it for the Superman to avoid the lines and ride it first. Go big or go home - I do it up. I always love it, but never make it without holding on - usually it's the first drag and drop that does it to me - it's REALLY REALLY high. This year it was a bit more scary - no lie. The Superman is now Bizaro.... it used to be that you were shoulder/chest strapped in - you weren't going anywhere.... these geniuses got it in there heads somehow to make it crazier and then take away those straps and just have a lap bar.... oh dear. I put my hands up when they sent us off and ALMOST lost it going over the first hill, but kept my hands up the whole way - there were more up-and-over loops than I remember, but it was awesome and felt great. What a dare-devil I am right? haha!
This is what the restraints USED to look like

This is what the restraints look like now

The first peak

View from the top
Height: 208 feet
Drop: 221 feet
Angle Of Descent: 70 degrees
Top Speed: 77 mph
Length: 5,400 feet
Trains: 2 - 32 passenger
Train Mfg: Intmain AG Ride
Time: 2 minutes, 35 seconds
Love it! (by the way - I didn't take any of those pictures - google rocks)